Mountain Song Community School
Parent Circle

Our Mission
The mission of Parent Circle is to support and preserve the vision of Mountain Song Community School by creating a culture of service, encouraging community building, and promoting parent involvement.
Role of Parent Circle
Parent Circle fulfills this role by creating opportunities for volunteerism, assisting with parent enrichment and education, and hosting various community care events (i.e. welcome new families, teacher appreciate, giving trees, etc.)

Why Join Parent Circle?
Parent Circle is about meeting your community, making new friends, and getting involved. At Mountain Song, we define a parent as someone who is a primary caregiver and/or guardian of a child, whether through biological and/or legal relation. Everyone is welcome, always. If you are looking to get involved and want to know what is going on, this is a great place to start!
If you are interested in joining Parent Circle, or would like more information, please contact pcchair@mountainsongschool.org

Get Involved
Meetings and Events:
Parent Circle meets the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30p.m. on Zoom. Join the meeting HERE.
Parent Circle Chair: Stephaña Swanson
Volunteer positions available!
Check out fundraising opportunities on our Support page.