2024 Annual Campaign

Every dollar raised goes directly to our Mountain Song Community School Foundation, which allows us to:

  • Enhance and Upgrade Classrooms & Outdoor Spaces

  • Purchase Materials that Spark Curiosity

  • Fund Field Trips & Experiential Learning

  • Support Professional Development for Educational Staff

We’re building this fund to create lasting opportunities for our students, teachers, and school. Together, let’s inspire wonder in our students for years to come!

Our goal by December 31st is $20,000!
We'll have our Rock Star Rally when we hit that goal!

Heart paintings on the wall above backpacks, Mountain Song School

4 Ways to Give


Make a gift online using our secure giving page. We hope you will consider becoming a sustaining donor with an automatic monthly, quarterly, or annual gift.


To make a gift by check, please mail your check to:

Mountain Song Community School
2904 West Kiowa St
Colorado Springs, CO. 80904hool


Gifts in-kind are an important asset for the school. Instead of giving money to buy needed goods and services, goods and services themselves are given. Please check with a member of the Executive Leadership Team as to whether a gift can be accepted before delivery.


These gifts allow donors to leave a lasting legacy for the future. Legacy giving is the creation of a gift through an estate, trust, annuity, insurance policy, or bequest. Please contact Lauren Ferrara at lferrara@mountainsongschool.com for more information about Legacy Gifts.

Volunteer Opportunities

Please check the Songbird for upcoming volunteer opportunities and contact Parent Circle at pcchair@mountainsongschool.com if you would like to become more involved in our Festivals.

Thank you to our sponsors!

1st Bank logo
G&G Logo

Why Give to Mountain Song?

As a public charter school, Mountain Song Community School is afforded a great opportunity that some of our sister public schools in District 11 are not. School-centered governance, autonomy and a clear design for how and what students will learn are the essential characteristics of a public charter school.  Most importantly, this opportunity allows Mountain Song Community School to fully embrace Waldorf Methods of teaching and development.

With this great opportunity for independence, also comes a certain level of independent financial responsibility. Unlike our sister public schools, Mountain Song Community School does not have access to bonds and mill levy overrides (taxes additional to the mill levy). In other district schools, bonds help pay for capital improvements and mill levy overrides can be utilized to increase teacher salaries, purchase textbooks and upgrade equipment. 

Most importantly, the Mountain Song Community School fully embraces special hands-on educational experiences like agricultural arts and music arts.  These special programs, although proven to both deeply enhance an educational experience and increase measured outcomes, are often seen as more costly and are routinely being cut by public schools. They are mission-critical and at the heart of a solid Waldorf education.

Where Your Money Goes

Because of our unique needs, Mountain Song Community School is also afforded another special opportunity.  We are given the opportunity to partner with members of our community and accept private donations. Private donations can be used specifically to provide support for special programs, hands-on educational experiences and even to support teacher salaries and the acquisition and retention of specialized teacher’s aides.  Most importantly, the opportunity to accept tax-deductible donations allows our community to play a significant role in embracing our community’s school in a unique way that promotes a culture by which our children can learn first-hand the power of philanthropy. 

Upcoming Fundraisers

School Spirit Fundraiser

Purchase Mountain Song Community School logo t-shirt/sweatshirt/leggings at the front office to show your support and raise money for our school.  

Sustainable Donor Program

Make a one-time or monthly contribution to Mountain Song Community School. Click the image to check it out! 

King Soopers Community Rewards Program

What is the Community Rewards program? Well, it’s a program where King Soopers gives 5% of the sales back to non-profits like MSCS. The sales have to be with customers using their King Soopers card, just the regular rewards card that gives the better prices in store not the payment method, linked to our school account.

What we do need you to do is click the King Soopers logo below and scroll down and click “Enroll Now”.

You will have to sign into your King Soopers account, and select Mountain Song. If you don’t have an online account you can create one using the number/phone number on you KS card (not the gift cards).

For details and FAQ: Click Here
For questions, contact:

Amazon Smile

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Mountain Song Community School every time you shop Amazon, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at smile.amazon.com on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. When you shop AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. You can choose from over one million organizations to support.

Box Tops for Education

No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit Mountain Song’s Box Tops earnings online.

Twice a year, Mountain Song Community School l will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!

Download the App here:

Scrip Program (Gift Cards)

Scrip is just another way to pay for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash, checks, and credit cards. You purchase gift cards from Scrip’s Website at face value or your coordinator orders those cards for you.

You may log into the Scrip fundraising website at https://shop.shopwithscrip.com/GetStarted to begin your own online account.  The enrollment code for Mountain Song is CE44L71548725.

Shop with Scrip Available at the Front Desk – In addition to the gift cards you can order through the online system, we have a range of gift cards available at the front office. When you purchase these pre-loaded cards, MSCS earns 2-20% of the value of the cards! (Percentages vary by store.) We currently have: $25 Walgreens (5%), $10 Starbucks (7%), $10 Subway (6%), $10 and $25 Chipotle (10%), $25 Sprouts (5%), $25 Safeway (4%), $10 Noodles and Company (8%), and $100 Lowes ($4).

Additional Fundraising Opportunities

School Dances, Class Fundraisers Restaurant Fundraisers, and more!

The fundraising committee is developing several new activities and programs to help financially support our school. Additional information will be posted when it becomes available.

For questions, contact: 